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Blog Post

Urte bukaera, urte hasiera

2020 urteari amaiera
2020 urteari amaiera emateko ere mendi aldera jotzea hautatu dugu. Aurreko urtean egin bezala, indar eta esanahiez betea dagoen Artxueta ondoko talaian dagoen San Migeleko Santutegiaren epeltasunera bildu gara. Garaiko eta bereziki urte honek jarri dizkigun baldintzek ez dute taldekidea kikildu eta esan beharra dut beraiengandik atera dela ia zuzeneko entzulerik izango ez duen NEGUKO SOSLSTIZIO edo EGUBERRI kontzertua ospatzeko autua. Gu ere URMUGAk (Jaialdiak) batu gaitu. Inoizko indar era grina handiagoz musikaren bidez komunikatzeko eta adierazteko gogoa azaltzen du Et Incarnatusek. Mikel Gartzionaindia apezak emandako erraztasun guztiak probestu eta asmatu dugu gure proposamena nola zabaldu. Nafarroa Beheko Kanaldude Telebistak azaldutako interesaren bidez eta Tafalla, Lakuntza eta Larraungo udalen eta Tolosako Laskorain Ikastolaren laguntzarekin hedatuko da gure mezua sarean. Mari eta Olentzerok ere Aralarko gainetik behatuko dituzte Euskal Herriko etxe guztietako haur eta jendeak. Gaurko eta lehengo doinu eta koplak kantatzen Xabier Leturia, Mikel Urdangarin, Leire Leturia eta Kristina Aranzabe. Pribilegio hutsa!

2021 eko urtarrila: mende laurdena bete dugu.
Mende laurdena bete dugula dio egutegiak. 25 urte Felipe Gorriti konpositore gogoangarriaren ehungarren urteurrenaren ospakizun haietatik. Ekiteko, sortzeko, komunikatzeko eta lanerako grinak bere horretan jarraitzen du. Orduan gazte ginen eta gaztetxoz osatua zegoen Et Incarnatus Orkestra. Denboraren poderioz eskarmentua jaso, hartu eta proiektu berrietan amesteko kemenaz jarraitzen dugu. Normalki gure ibilbidean iraupen laburreko hamaika lan sortu dugu, horietarik asko emanaldi edo grabaketa bakarrekoak, 600 bat kolaboratzaileren zerrenda osatu arterainokoa. Beraz bidai luzea egin dugula baiezta genezake eta anitza.

2021 eko urtarrilak 20. San Saastianak Lakuntzan

Lakuntzarrek izan dute ideia bikaina. Zoko guztietan ez-festak egin dituztela eta beraiek ordea egoerari moldatu eta poztasun eta neurriko ospakizunerako tartea aurkitu dute. Xabier Leturia, Mikel Urdangarin, Leire Leturia eta Kristina Aranzaberen ahotsetan festa giroko errepertorio borobila eskaini genuen kultur areto bikainean. Muga zela eta bi emanaldi osatu genituen bazkal aurreko giroa berotzeko eta San Sebastian martxa hunkigarria kantatu ere guztion artean.
Zoragarria eta ezohikoa iruditu zaigu hain herri txikiak horrelako plangintza aurrera ateratzeko egindako esfortzua eta izandako imajinazio argia. Musikak eta oro-har kultural lagunduko gaitu ataka honetatik sanoago ateratzen eta gure ezinak gainditzen, baina horretarako apustu egiten saiatu beharra dago. Emaitza ikusgarria izan zen ikusleek eskaini ziguten berotasun eta esker ona ikusirik.

2021 eko Inauteri: Kontzertua Zaldunita egunean Tolosako Leidorren
Galtzaundi Euskara Taldearen 30. urteurrenaren lehen ospakizun ekitaldia.
Hamaika buelta eman ondoren erabaki dugu Tolosarrek merezi dutela ere poztasun, hunkidura eta goxotasun dosia aurtengo festa garaia ezerezean gera ez dadin. Kontua egoerari moldatzea dela ulertzen bai dugu. Horretan gabiltza buru belarri: partiturak atriletan paratuak ditugu jada, habanera eta kalejirei ahalik eta ñabardura finenak atera asmoz. Tartean tarteko inaute txantxo eta tipokeriak ere lantzeko gogoz auzotar bat baino gehiagoren ate joka ere bagabiltza. Helburua kantak dion bezala;
“Festa polit-polita nahi genuke jarri,
Ikusi nahi duenak gugana etorri”


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  • Kahramanımız, son günlerde ailesinin birbirinden iyice uzaklaştığını düşününce amcasından miras kalan “YAT”‘ı getirtmek yerine, haritada nokta kadar dahi bir yeri dahi olmayan daha önce adını bile duymadığı bir yerden kendisi getirmeye karar verir. Kendi aklınca bu birbirine yabancılaşmaya başlayan ailesini tekrar bir araya toplayabilmek için bir fırsattır… Miras kalan “YAT”ı görüp bu işin hiçte kolay olmayacağını anlayan kahramanımızın yardımına Kaptan Ron yetişir, macerada böylece başlamış olur. Anderson Ek

  • Keith Ripley, usta bir soyguncudur. Hırsızlığı kurallarına uygun olarak yapıyordur. Polisle iş birliği yapmaz, teslim olmaz, ortağını korur. Ripley’in son ortağı da bu kuralları bozduğu için ölmüştür. Jack Gabriel, New York becerikli bir sokak hırsızıdır ve bir o kadar da karizmatik ve yakışıklı. Keith bir gün Jack’in kendisinin de peşinde olduğu bir mücevher satıcısını soyarken gördüğünde yeni ortağını bulur. Birlikte büyük ve tehlikeli bir soygun yapacaklardır. Böylece Keith eski ortağının Rus mafyasına olan borcunu ödeyecek ve vaftiz kızı Alex’in hayatını kurtaracaktır. Bu plan hazırlanırken Keith istemese de Alex ve Jack yakınlaşırlar. Fakat iş bundan daha da karmaşık bir hal alacaktır; birisi hırsızlığın kuralını bozmuştur Elvis Keetan

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    Elevate Learning Adventures with The Story Shack!

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  • Extended Opportunity

    Elevate Learning Adventures with The Story Shack!

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    StoryShack’s Build a Book bundle features word searches, quizzes, creative coloring pages, high-quality images, and top SEO keywords.
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  • Extended Opportunity

    Elevate Learning Adventures with The Story Shack!

    A library of 200+ high-quality books tailored to the school curriculum.
    StoryShack’s Build a Book bundle features word searches, quizzes, creative coloring pages, high-quality images, and top SEO keywords.
    StoryShack’s StoryCraft Pro bundle includes the “Melody Minds Library” with 350+ music tracks and “AnimateMasters Pro,” offering 30+ categories of animations.
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    Click https://ext-opp.com/StoryShack to explore The Story Shack e-Learning Collection and seize the opportunity for multiplied income!

  • Extended Opportunity

    Elevate Learning Adventures with The Story Shack!

    A library of 200+ high-quality books tailored to the school curriculum.
    StoryShack’s Build a Book bundle features word searches, quizzes, creative coloring pages, high-quality images, and top SEO keywords.
    StoryShack’s StoryCraft Pro bundle includes the “Melody Minds Library” with 350+ music tracks and “AnimateMasters Pro,” offering 30+ categories of animations.
    And as if that’s not enough, here are the MEGA BONUSES:

    ✔ 100+ Mega Mazes Pack
    ✔ 100+ Sudoku Elements Pack
    ✔ 100+ Comic Book Template Pack
    ✔ 100+ Handwriting Practice Template Pack
    ✔ 100+ Kids Story Book Templates
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    ✔ Additional beautiful content like journal prompts
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    Click https://ext-opp.com/StoryShack to explore The Story Shack e-Learning Collection and seize the opportunity for multiplied income!

  • Extended Opportunity

    Elevate Learning Adventures with The Story Shack!

    A library of 200+ high-quality books tailored to the school curriculum.
    StoryShack’s Build a Book bundle features word searches, quizzes, creative coloring pages, high-quality images, and top SEO keywords.
    StoryShack’s StoryCraft Pro bundle includes the “Melody Minds Library” with 350+ music tracks and “AnimateMasters Pro,” offering 30+ categories of animations.
    And as if that’s not enough, here are the MEGA BONUSES:

    ✔ 100+ Mega Mazes Pack
    ✔ 100+ Sudoku Elements Pack
    ✔ 100+ Comic Book Template Pack
    ✔ 100+ Handwriting Practice Template Pack
    ✔ 100+ Kids Story Book Templates
    ✔ Canva Book Templates
    ✔ Additional beautiful content like journal prompts
    ✔ INCLUDED: The Ultimate Workbook

    Click https://ext-opp.com/StoryShack to explore The Story Shack e-Learning Collection and seize the opportunity for multiplied income!

  • Extended Opportunity

    This Dude Creates Bitc0in Out Of Thin Air [CRAZY]

    I didn’t believe it either at first…

    Until i saw it works in action >> https://ext-opp.com/Coinz

    You see, Bitc0in and the entire Crypt0 market is about to go through the rough…

    Some smart people will get in now, and make massive gains,
    And some will stand and watch people make money…

    Ultimately, I want you to get in now…

    But here is the issue…

    If you put any kind of money in it now, it would be a huge risk.
    Especially if you put in money that you can’t afford to lose…

    But what my friend, Seyi, did is insane…

    He created the world’s first AI app that literally generates Bitc0in and ETH out of thin air…

    All you need to do is just connect your wallet, and that’s it…

    – You don’t need to analyze the market
    – You don’t need mining equipments
    – You don’t need to trade
    – And you don’t need to invest even a penny

    To create your account with Coinz, and start receiving daily Bitc0in & etheruem for 100% free click here >> https://ext-opp.com/Coinz

    But don’t delay, because the price of Coinz will double very soon…


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  • Extended Opportunity

    Are you still using Calendly to schedule your calls and meetings?

    If your answer is yes, then you are actually hurting your business not helping it…

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    You can even accept payments live, and collect leads…

    But it gets even better…

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    Click here to watch AI Calenderfly in action and secure your copy at the lowest price possible… https://ext-opp.com/AICalendarfly

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